5 minutes with... Lucas Shepphard

people Oct 21, 2024

Tell us a little bit about you.

My name is Lucas Sheppard, and I’ve been a real estate agent for 14 years. As a proud Mudgee local with deep roots in the community, I have a genuine love for our area. Growing up on a large farm instilled in me a strong work ethic and solid values. My passion for sports led me to explore various activities, ultimately inspiring me to co-own a second business with my partner - CrossFit Mudgee.

What sparked you to start your own Real Estate Agency?

I’ve always had a strong desire to either own or be in a real estate partnership. I wanted to build a business that aligns with my core values - staying true to myself and genuinely helping people, not just being a salesman. It was important for me to steer the direction and vision of the business where I wanted it to go.

Tell us about your team.

We are a team of three real estate professionals committed to providing a high-quality, advisory-style approach to buying and selling real estate. Our mission is to deliver authentic, easy-going, and approachable services while leveraging our extensive knowledge and expertise. There’s myself - Lucas, Jahymi who has worked along side me for over 4 years now specialising in selling property and then there’s Billie who is fresh to the industry. She is helping with all the back end, day to day tasks as well as dipping her toes in the selling aspect of real estate.

What do you specialise in?

We specialise in the selling of residential, rural and commercial real estate in the Mudgee region. Our approach has always been to look after people like you were to look after your own friends and family. Whether buying, selling, or just giving good advice we take a very advisory based approach rather than the hard sell. People have always really appreciated that.

What’s your vision for the future?

My vision is to let the business grow organically, ensuring it never loses sight of its core mission: genuinely helping people day in and day out. I believe that rapid growth can sometimes dilute a company’s values, and that’s not what I want. My goal is for our clients and those we assist within the business to consistently speak highly of us. If, in 10 years, we’re still achieving that, then I’ve reached my goal.

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