MEET: Monica Campbell from Alby & Esthers

people Mar 12, 2024

Monica is the woman behind Alby & Esthers - a little café in the heart of Mudgee, known for it’s vibrant hospitality, delicious coffee and must-try jaffles!

What makes Alby & Esthers unique?

The ambience; the simple, yet unique menu, focusing on seasonal and local produce where possible. Our house-made items, like our relishes and our amazing cakes, along with our boutique roasted coffee, warm and friendly service, a unique location and a vibrant atmosphere that makes it really special. 

What inspired you to start your business?

After working in hospitality since the age of 14, it felt like the natural thing to do. I had been working on Super Yachts for 12 years, delivering high-end service to all walks of life around the world. When the opportunity to move back to my home town of Mudgee and buy such a unique special business became available - the time and the challenge felt right!

What do you love about running your business?

I love providing a unique and memorable experience to each and every customer. I also love the flexibility (and sometimes not so much flexibility!) owning your own business can bring.

Best piece of business advice you’ve ever received?

Your staff are your best product! I am so grateful for the amazing team I get to work alongside every day. Treat them with kindness!

What do you love about doing business in Mudgee?

I am very lucky to count many of my good friends as successful business owners themselves. The Mid-Western Region has some really strong, smart and successful women at the helm of many businesses.

It’s inspiring and comforting - and they all like to support and encourage the each other! We work as a team and cheer on and support each other across all industries- - all for the greater good of the Mudgee region!

What’s your most memorable business moment?

Probably the years 2020-21- what a ride for a new business owner! There were lots of highs and lows during those two COVID years! Lots of lessons learnt, & connections made!

What’s on the horizon for 2024?

To continue to providing a quality and memorable experience for the customer and my team!

Maybe some evening openings!!??



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