Bowerbird Cottage: Gulgong’s New Gem for Antique Lovers

people Aug 01, 2024

When Elise Rafferty, a seasoned professional in industrial property development, decided to relocate from Camden to Gulgong, she was ready for a change of both career and lifestyle.

Inspired by her son and his partner, who found their dream rural property in the area she made the move to a town she’d never heard of. “Having only one child, I didn’t hesitate to pack up and follow them out,” she recalls.

With a Business Marketing degree under her belt and years of experience in finance, property management, and compliance, Elise brought a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm with her in the move. But it wasn’t her industrial background that led her to open Bowerbird Cottage - it was her passion for antiquing.

Once settled, Elise realised that her love for buying and selling antiques needed a new outlet, especially in a smaller community where running a home-based business wasn’t viable. And so, Bowerbird Cottage was born - a quaint antique shop situated inside a small cottage just 400m from the main high street of Gulgong.

Housing more than just antiques, thanks to Elise’s passion for supporting her community and her love of local cheeses, honey and teas, Bowerbird Cottage soon became a local favourite.

Now, Elise is embarking on the next chapter with the launch of Bowerbird Cottage 2.0. She’s relocated to a store triple the size of the original cottage and undertaken an extensive renovation of a nearly complete 1930s building in the heart of Gulgong on Herbert Street.

Moving to a town she had never heard of and opening a retail store with no prior experience was a leap of faith, but one she’s embraced fully. She’s involved in various charitable ventures, making her mark in Gulgong not just as a business owner but as an active community member.

Elise is excited about this new phase, eager to welcome customers to her expanded space and continues sharing her love for antiques with the community.



86 Herbert St Gulgong

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