Capturing The Region's Stories

people Oct 07, 2024

Airtime Media Solutions is elevating Mudgee’s media landscape.

A new media company is making waves with its unique blend of passion, creativity, and professionalism. Founded in October 2023 by Emily Parker, originally from Forbes and her partner Aaron Anane from New Jersey, Airtime Media Solutions has quickly become a trusted name in the local community. With a shared love for all things media and marketing, Emily and Aaron have combined their talents to create a business that’s all about helping others tell their stories.

Airtime Media Solutions is known for its expertise in videography, photography, and social media management, serving not just the Mudgee region but also clients beyond.

Their work ranges from capturing the energy and excitement of local events to helping businesses present themselves in the best possible light online. “We love connecting with businesses—big or small—and helping them bring their visions to life,” says Emily. “The Mudgee community has welcomed our small business with open arms, and we’re excited to see where this journey takes us.”

What sets Airtime Media Solutions apart is not just their technical skill but their approach to client relationships. Emily and Aaron are down-to-earth and enthusiastic, making it easy for clients to share their visions and ideas. They believe that by building genuine relationships, they can create content that truly reflects the heart of a business or event. “When we understand your vision, we can work together to create something truly special,” explains Aaron.

The duo’s passion for their work is evident in everything they do. They’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most talented individuals, incredible events, and unreal businesses in the Mudgee region. From filming local weddings to covering the Mudgee Running Festival, Airtime Media Solutions is always at the centre of the action, capturing moments that matter.

But Airtime Media Solutions is more than just a business - it’s a way for Emily and Aaron to contribute to the community they now call home. They’re not just about media; they’re about people. Whether you’re a small business owner looking to enhance your online presence or someone planning a special event, Airtime Media Solutions is there to help you tell your story in the most impactful way.

As they continue to grow and take on new projects, Emily and Aaron remain committed to their core values: professionalism, creativity, and a genuine love for the work they do.

If you see them around at an event or in town, don’t hesitate to stop and say hello - they’re always up for a chat and eager to help bring your vision to life. Airtime Media Solutions is here to make sure that every story, big or small, gets the airtime it deserves.




[email protected]

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