MEET: Terri & Caitlin Gricks from Cherry Red

people Mar 08, 2024

A new chapter of Cherry Red was created in January 2016 when the energetic duo,Terri & Caitlin, purchased the boutique, infusing a new special perspective.

What inspired you to take on Cherry Red?

We started with a love of shopping - we enjoyed personal shopping & styling, & we could envisage bringing this love into the boutique, creating outfits for our lovely customers & clients. We wanted our ladies to enjoy shopping as much as we do & to experience the fun of fashion. Our customers mean everything to us, & we look forward to inspiring each woman who walks through our door.

What makes Cherry Red unique?

We love bringing our customers fabulous fashion collections, to-die-for accessories & shoes we can’t live without. Our passion for quality & comfort is always at the forefront when picking our clothing ranges. We have always believed that having good quality, stylish designs in your wardrobe is important & we wanted to bring just that to our customers.

We work with premium labels that align with our values & create sophisticated designs. Some of our favourite brands at Cherry Red are Outland Denim, Sancia, Esmaee, Leo Lin, Camilla & Sacha Drake - just to name a few!

What’s your personal definition of success?

A little while ago, we had a lovely lady pop in-store needing an outfit for an event. She had recently been through some personal drama & wasn’t feeling too good about

herself. We styled her in a beautiful dress & helped her choose accessories. She left our boutique feeling uplifted & confident. After her event, she visited us in-store to

let us know how wonderful she felt & the many compliments she received. Whilst speaking of her experience, her whole face lit up & she was genuinely grateful for all the help we had given her. In this moment, we knew that this was success for us!

What’s on the horizon for Cherry Red in 2024?

We are looking forward to refreshing our boutique with a little in-store revamp - we can’t wait to announce this as the time gets closer!  We are thrilled to be expanding our special in-store services, continuing the growth of our online community, & treating our customers to more in-store events. We will be launching new brands in-store & online, & welcoming some sensational fashion. We are excited to continue growing & expanding all avenues of Cherry Red.



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