MEET: The Gold & Fleece Hotel

food people Jun 06, 2024

For the past 3 years, Nat and Hal have been at the helm of Windeyer’s quintessential, community-centric country pub The Gold & Fleece Hotel.

Tell us about the history of the pub.

The Gold & Fleece Hotel was brought here in 1911 from Queensland, and erected in its current site today. At the time, the town of Windeyer was booming and was famous for its gold and fine merino wool. It’s a little different here now. 

What is The Gold & Fleece famous for?

It’s most famous for its beautiful heritage structure and welcoming atmosphere. It is really your quintessential country pub - the walls just ooze stories and tales from the past; and when you walk in it’s like taking a step back in time. There’s memorabilia on the walls and the locals are known to spin many a yarn of the bygone era.

What does the pub mean for the community?

The pub is so much more than a ‘pub’ to the community. It’s like one big family. It speaks of the community’s heritage and family. It provides jobs for locals and provides a huge part in the local economy. It brings people of all backgrounds and ages together and it is a vital community meeting place.

You’ve had the pub for 3 years now, what’s your vision?

When we first took over, the place was pretty sad… so our main focus has been bringing the energy and life back to the old place. We’ve done this through live music and events which really get the pub buzzing.

It’s been really important for us to look after our locals, while also putting on larger scale events that give tourists a reason to travel out to Windeyer. Being such young publicans we have really tried to find that balance of energy and events, and also creating a warm, welcoming relaxed place to be. Making sure everyone feels welcomed and happy is really our main goal.

Why should someone drive out to visit?

Firstly, the drive itself from Mudgee is stunning. We are only half an hour away from Mudgee, although it seems like you are in another world. We serve up the finest pub grub around, and you will always be welcomed with the smiling faces of us, the team and the locals.

Our walls are filled with historic photos and facts, and you can shoot some pool, enjoy live music or even join a jam sesh sometimes too. We’ve put a lot of energy into creating a positive and welcoming culture at the pub for both locals and tourists. We love welcoming people through our doors and giving them a great experience.



1883 Windeyer Rd, Windeyer, NSW

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