MEET: Trudy Bates from Gas Struts Australia

people Mar 05, 2024

Trudy is the woman behind Gas Strut Australia - she’s a lover of shafts, balls and everything to do with strutting her stuff (and not in the way you think!)

Tell us about Gas Strut Australia.

We sell gas struts. It’s extremely niche, absolutely essential and most people don’t know what they are until something falls on their head like a boot or bonnet.

We are an online company that also has a human element that knows struts - you can call us, talk to us and order over the phone.  It makes our customer feel confident that they are getting the right gas strut for the job especially if they are a bit unsure. 

What makes your business unique?

Gas struts can be tricky, especially when it comes to new projects and it’s why we offer our new project solution service. 

We work out what gas struts, what force and exactly where to position them so you get the perfect lift every time.

We work with the building industry, manufacturers and in particular, window manufactuers, including our very own Stoddard Windows here in Mudgee.

If you’ve ever tried to fit gas struts into a new project, you will know that it can be a game of guesswork requiring multiple sets, with multiple force, a lot of drilled holes and no doubt a lot of ‘bad words’ - we take that guess work away!


What inspired you to start your business?

Well I definitely didn’t wake up one morning and say “I think I’m going to sell gas struts!”

To be honest, when I started in 2013, I knew nothing about gas struts and thought I’d never get was like trying to read another language - trying to understand thread, lengths, forces and don’t even get me started about the terminology...seriously - trying to have a serious conversation talking shafts, male and female threads and size of your balls!

In 2014, I purchased the website name from an associate after working in the business for 12 months. Fast forward to 2024 and I’m a lover of shafts, balls and everything to do with strutting my stuff.


What do you love about doing business in Mudgee?

What’s not to love?! The wine, the coffee, the ease of life and community.  Mudgee makes me feel welcome everywhere I go. I love the people and every time I travel out of Mudgee I come back and marvel at the beauty of the area. It’s also

allowed me to work hard but also be there for my family.



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