The Cheer Squad for Regional Business Women

people Oct 11, 2024

A vibrant community offering connection, support, and celebration for female entrepreneurs in regional areas.

Running a solo business in a regional area can be isolating, but it doesn’t have to be. The Champagne Lounge is a membership community specifically designed for regional business women seeking connection, conversation, and celebration. Founded by entrepreneur Rebecca Saunders, this community provides a supportive space where women can share their wins, challenges, and ambitions without judgment. 

It’s winning formula has been its virtual meetups, with members encouraged to join them when they can, for as long as they can and how they can, with members loving “no pressure or expectation” and describing it as “A safe space to feel seen, heard and supported” and “Everything you want in your Business BFF!”

Members of The Champagne Lounge appreciate its unique mix of professional and personal support. As Justine McLean from Vincentia, NSW shares, “It’s a really supportive space... a safe space. I can come in with a 5-minute breakdown and get support or come in with an achievement and get a cheer.” 

In addition to virtual meetups, accountability bubbles and real-life events give members the opportunity to build networks, stay motivated, and grow their businesses - all from the comfort of their regional location.

“Attending The Champagne Lounge events in my region has been the highlight of my small business journey. It’s a fun and fabulous way to meet, connect, and catch up with other local business women.” said Simone Peppitt from Mudgee, NSW. 

For its members, this virtual community is a sounding board for feedback, a place to chat with like-minded women and a safe space to share both wins and failures in confidence.

Deborah Szabo, a video marketing specialist from the Hunter Valley, NSW, explains, “Sharing my business journey with this community keeps me on track and focused, ensuring that I continue to make progress.”

Whether you’re seeking advice, celebrating successes, or simply looking for like-minded businesswomen to connect with, The Champagne Lounge offers the flexibility and support needed to thrive in regional business life. It’s a safe, inclusive, and fun space where women can truly shine. 

Rebecca created this regional business women’s network with a clear mission: to ensure that every regional businesswoman has a cheer squad, a community that not only understands but also uplifts and celebrates her every achievement. “This is a place where you can dream big, live unapologetically, and find joy in both the journey and the destination.” she shares.

The Champagne Lounge offers the perfect blend of professional growth and personal connection. As Magdaleen Kelly from NSW so aptly puts it, “We have our own personal cheer squad! We can dream big, we can be scared, we can be vulnerable, we can have fun and we know there’s somebody there willing to listen and to support.”

 If you’re a regional businesswoman ready to join a network that celebrates and supports your journey, The Champagne Lounge might just be the community you’ve been looking for. As Hayley Quinn from QLD, puts it, “It has been such a beautiful, supportive, intellectually stimulating, and fun group to be a part of.”

Whether you’re looking to build your network, find accountability partners, or simply share your wins and struggles with others who “get it,” The Champagne Lounge Regional Business Women’s Network is designed to support you every step of the way.



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