Wanderlust to Winemaking

food people Jun 12, 2024

The Journey of Lazy Oak Wines

As one of the oldest wineries in the region, we sit down with new owners
Paula and Dave to discover how they’re continuing its legacy.


Lazy Oak Wines, formerly Miramar, was built and planned in the early 1970’s by Ken Digby and Ian MacRae, and is one of the oldest wineries in the Mudgee Region.

Paula and Dave “accidentally” bought it and found themselves suddenly thrust into the amazing world of vineyard management, winemaking and running a Cellar Door in Mudgee. And what a ride it has been.

Originating from Dubbo, Paula ventured to Lismore near Byron Bay to pursue a law degree. However, life had other plans as she found herself immersed in a decade-long journey with NALAG (the National Association for Loss and Grief). It was during this time that her love for community and volunteering blossomed.

In 2008, Paula met Dave, and their lives intertwined, leading them on a path to settle down and start a family. Seeking a place between their families in Dubbo and Eugowra, Dave’s job brought them to Mudgee and they set about finding some land to build a family home.

The couple found a 50 acre property 11km outside of Mudgee with an exisiting vineyard, right next to Miramar Wines.

Knowing nothing about grapes or how to run a vineyard, the pair found themselves accepting a gracious offer from the original owner, Ian MacRae from Miramar Wines, who said he would look after the vineyard in exchange for the fruit - giving Paula and Dave the time to build their home and start their family.

After three ‘lazy’ years of owning their vineyard, and Ian’s 80th birthday on the horizon their laziness came to an end and Lazy Oak Wines was born.

“Originally we thought we would be grape farmers” said Paula, “But one year we had fruit left over and I said to Dave, let’s make wine!”

He reminded her that he was a diesel mechanic not a winemaker, and apparently “just google it wasn’t a good response”, so o they hired a winemaker for the first few years, and they ran the business as a hobby selling their wine at markets and events.

Then things got serious. One day when Paula was visiting Ian he mentioned he was going to put his winery on the market. Without hesitation, or consulting Dave, she said yes to buying it.

"One day when I was visiting Ian, he said we was going to put the winery on the market. I told him I’d take it - don’t put it on the market - we would love to buy it. I then had to go home and tell Dave I had bought a winery that day without discussing it with him first!

Fortunately Dave was keen and Ian changed their lives by offering to teach them how to make wine before he left. The couple had three vintages under Ian’s direction and have since had two on their own.

The challenges they’ve faced have been numerous, from navigating a pandemic-induced shut down on the opening week of their new Cellar Door, to contending with droughts and bushfires. Yet, through it all, their passion for wine and community remained unwavering.

Paula initiated a hamper business when she discovered many market holders didn’t have websites. So, “A Little Taste of Mudgee,” was born during Covid to house all the regions products in one place for people to buy.

Expanding their endeavours further, the pair launched “Mudgee Wine School” after discovering there was no where locally to learn how to taste wine with purpose or systematically. They run classes at their Cellar Door and take bookings for groups in private accommodations.

And if that doesn’t sound like enough for this busy pair, they thrive on hosting some of the best events in town. From cosy, intimate events around the fire pits, to live music and pizzas on a Friday night and bigger events like their epic feast over fire event ‘Fireside Feast” and the ultimate event to celebrate the end of winter “Fire + Spice.

Paula and Dave’s journey with Lazy Oak Wines encapsulates entrepreneurial spirit like no other. Their ability to transform challenges into opportunities, innovate product offerings, and cultivate meaningful connections within the community serves as a testament to the legacy they’re continuing.



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